Unapologetically WORTHY
Your guide to becoming a worthy queen and an abundance super attractor.
What would it feel like if instead of Amazon, the Universe knocked on your door delivering all of your desires?
Not just like your usual morning affirmations where you look into the mirror and say, girl you are good.
From Leona B.
Inside this course you’ll begin to master the WORTHY method:
W - What do I know to be true about myself?
O - Obstacles you have overcome?
R - Ready NOW to ... Do, Accept, or Change
T - Thankful for...?
H - Higher Self Connection, Alignment, and Relationship
Y - You deserve to Be/Do/Have what you desire because…
Ashley M.
Lauren K.
You deserve this!
“I had been looking for direction and was feeling incredibly overwhelmed by wanting to turn my soul’s work into my career. I had been so focused on the how? Logically how can I make this work? I happened upon Petia’s page at the exact moment I needed her. I watched her instagram story and was struck by how she just got me. Her energy and everything she was speaking about was the exact situation I was in and I immediately had to message her and felt I needed to work with this amazing woman!!! Petia’s energy is luminous and immediately I felt like she would understand my vision. She has the tools to help you break down the overwhelming so you step into your inner power. I have felt my self awareness has shifted to believing in my vision and her constant support when I feel stuck is incredibly helpful to shift back into this feeling of “I am worthy” and I am living intentionally to practice gratefulness, forgiveness, and commitment daily. I never even saw the possibilities of this through self belief and now my life is so much more fulfilling knowing I have the power to shape my reality. If you are feeling the same way I did, you want so much more from your life and you get stuck on the HOW?! then I highly recommend working with Petia - she is incredible in providing tools to see your vision through. Her energy shifts you into the infinite possibilities of your future and to focus less on the how and more of just being your self - where you tune into your intuition and highest self and manifest the rest.”
“Working with Petia has been life changing. Immediately I experienced a shift within myself and felt like I was breaking chains that have kept me held back for a long time. Petia is the first person I’ve felt completely safe with to be myself and pursue a life I could only ever dream of. She is the perfect mix of love, peace, and straightforwardness!”
“Working with Petia is one of the best decisions I’ve made! She is so inspiring and is there to consistently remind me of my worth and ability to feel more in flow, gentle and loving reminders that have such significant impact on all areas of life. Petia is able to deliver an abundance of radiance and positive energy that automatically boosts your own confidence and worthiness, I definitely recommend working with her!”
Melissa D.
Leona B.
Welcome to the WORTHY Mini Course
My story about Worthiness
W - What do I know to be true about myself
O - Obstacles You overcome
R - Ready NOW to... Do/Accept/Change
T - Thankful for
H - Higher Self
Y - You deserve to be/do/what you desire
Congratulations for completing the course!
May Call
June Call